Q. How exactly does the Handlr work?
A. Handlr works like magic! We have curated the best local services in your neighborhood so that when life gets hectic, we can handle it for you in just a few taps.Let us know what you need- dog walking, babysitting, gardening, organizing, styling, etc.- and we'll show you the businesses that are most popular among your friends and neighbors.
Q. That's great, but then what?
A. Say you need to find a dog walker asap. Mighty Mutt Walkers is used by 3 of your friends and your neighbor across the street just wrote a glowing review for them 2 hours ago. After checking out Mighty Mutts' profile, services and photos, you can view their open availability on the schedule. Need a walk at 6:00 for Rupert? Mighty Mutt Walkers can handle it!
Q. What happens after I book it? Is it confirmed and how do I know they will show up?
A. This is the best part! Once you book it, it is automatically confirmed. The business will receive your request and the dog walker will receive all of the important info.You can chat with them and share photos to make sure that your Rupert is being properly cared for. Or if you' e booking a housecleaner, you can show them exactly what needs to be handled with photos and instructions.You'll receive a time-stamped, geo-stamped check-in notification when they arrive at your home.
Q. Is it safe? How do I know I can trust these services providers?
A. We hand select the most professional, reputable businesses in your neighborhood to use our mobile platform and marketplace. We do not believe in random people doing random things.We provide you with experienced professionals who are responsible for their business' success and reputation, and recommended by your personal network. You will know the name and photo of the person coming to take care of your home and you'll be able to GPS track their time spent at your house.You will also be able to chat directly with the manager/owner of the business and their employee or contractor. We also recommend meeting the service professional in-person for the first time.
Q. What if I'm not home, how will they access my home?
A. After you have established a relationship with your new service provider we recommend using a safe and secure lockbox http://www.amazon.com/Master-Lock-5400D-Set-Your-Own-Combination/dp/B0002YP1VC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1420933209&sr=8-1&keywords=Lockbox or installing a smart door handle. We love the Kwikset SmartCode Electronic Deadbolt http://www.amazon.com/Kwikset-SmartCode-Electronic-Deadbolt-featuring/dp/B004F1B24I/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1420932933&sr=8-2&keywords=Kwikset+SmartCode+with+Home+Connect+lock#product because you can give temporary "keys" in the form of a code for the timeframe that your service providers will be coming to your home. We do NOT recommend leaving keys under the mat or in flower pots. You never know who's watching!
Q. How do I know the service provider will be there for the full amount of time?
A. Your service provider will check-in to your home and you will receive a notification. This starts the GPS tracking and you'll be able to see that your dog is being walked (and not just watching TV with the dog walker or sitting on a bench taking in the view) or you can track your babysitter to make sure that your kids are getting to soccer on time. Once the job is done, your service provider checks out.
Q. What if the service provider I selected does not show up? What if I'm not happy with the service?
A. While we do everything we can to ensure that only the best, most professional businesses are selected to join our Handlr business platform, the business is responsible for providing the best experience for you as a customer. If a business does not show up or fails to meet your expectations, please contact the business directly via chat or phone call to resolve the issue. However, if needed, our customer service team is always on-call so that we can help resolve any situations that arise.
Q. How do I pay for the service and is it secure?
A. Once the check out occurs, your card is automatically charged for the rate of the service. Your service provider can add charges if extra expenses were incurred. For example, if your babysitter picked up the tab for ice cream or if your handyman took a trip to the hardware store to fix your sink, they can take a photo of the expense receipt and add the additional fee. You'll receive a receipt along with the opportunity to rate the service. We are hosted on Google Cloud and all card information is secure with Paypal's mobile payments processing service. Your personal information and safety is our highest priority.
Q. You're not in my zip code yet. When are you launching in my area?
A. We're doing our best to handle people's lives all across the nation. Please join the waitlist and include your zip code so that we can let you know when we're ready for you. The more zip codes we get in a certain area, the faster we'll come to you! Please share our mission so we can help more people.
Q. Can I delete my account?
A. Yes, please email us at support@myhandlr.com and we'll be sure to delete your account from our system.
Q. I'd like to talk to a real person, who can I call?
A. Please call us anytime at (888) 506-0836 and we'll be sure to answer all of your questions or concerns. Or email us at support@myhandlr.com.